We offer various services so our current and future clients can focus on their business and main goals. Our services are available for small, medium and large companies, trade companies and associations.
Moja Tvrtka app

“Moja Tvrtka” app will help you drive your business forward while on the go. “Moja Tvrtka” enables you to create quotes, invoices, and travel warrants, as well as keep track of your business expenses and revenues – all while staying connected with your team and your clients (via “My Team” and “B2B” modules). The “Documents” module will allow you to send business letters with your company information and graphics in PDF format.
“Moja Tvrtka” is available on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
This module allows you to create editable business quotes (in PDF format; e-mail and print versions are also available) which can easily be transitioned into a full-blown invoice.
This module allows you to create invoices (including dispatch notes) based on your products and services. Invoices can be filtered depending on their state: sent, paid, and late. The app will automatically save invoice drafts if you aren’t able to finalize the invoice in one go.
Create business letters with your company information and graphics (in PDF format; e-mail and print versions are also available).
This module enables you to track your business expenses and accounts payable.
Travel Warrants:
Due to often complicated rules associated with its creation, a travel warrant can be a real chore to do. “Moja Tvrtka” app makes the process of creating a travel warrant as easy and straightforward as it can be – helping you accomplish more, in less time.
Track all your business expenses and revenues in one place in a nice visual manner. Drill down through the data by using one of several available filters, such as: by month/year, by paid/late, etc.
This module will allow you to communicate with your accounting firm, send notifications to your clients, and receive information about new legal provisions.
My Team:
Assign tasks to your team members, track their progress and stay in the loop (via messages) all while on the go.
“Timeline” keeps all app activity in one place and enables you easy access to any created document (including documents from your employees). Drill down through the timeline by using one of several available filters, such as: by document type, by creation date, etc.
Keep track of all your clients and suppliers in one place. Easily add their addresses, OIB (identity number), and contact information.
This module contains all your products and services. Per product/service tax rate and custom discounts are available!
“Moja Tvrtka” app is available in Croatian and English language.
Moja Tvrtka App is available for download on these stores:
Contact us

Vomi consulting
za savjetovanje i informacijske tehnologije
Ulica Hrvatske Republike 17b, Osijek
OIB: 54258390599
IBAN: HR4223600001102438758
Tel: 031 202 481
Fax: 031 214 520

Vomi commerce
za proizvodnju, trgovinu i usluge
Ulica Hrvatske Republike 17b, Osijek
OIB: 36946449172
IBAN: HR7325000091102017492
Tel: 031 202 481
Fax: 031 214 520

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